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di Guido Bonatti Astrologo

Guido Bonatti
25 apr 2020Tempo di lettura: 4 min
Book Review: "The Signs: Decode the Stars, Reframe your life", by Carolyne Faulkner
Book Review of The Signs: Decode the Stars, Reframe your Life, by Carolyne Faulkner
77 visualizzazioni
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Guido Bonatti
17 mar 2020Tempo di lettura: 4 min
Another Kind of Help from China
Chinese foot reflexology for treating symptoms of common flu and for the reinforcement of the immune system
31 visualizzazioni
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Guido Bonatti
10 mar 2020Tempo di lettura: 3 min
Corona Virus: A View from Italy
The situation in Italy on March 10th 2020
15 visualizzazioni
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Guido Bonatti
26 feb 2020Tempo di lettura: 3 min
2020: An Astrological Tough Year
2020 a tough year
27 visualizzazioni
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Guido Bonatti
20 dic 2019Tempo di lettura: 4 min
Targeted Solar Return: Come Into Being Again Under a Lucky Star
What is a solar return? How does a solar return works and how a solar return can be useful in astrology? Active Astrology; Ciro Discepolo
25 visualizzazioni
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